Discover Cape Sata

Take in the astonishing views from Cape Sata and many of the other sights in the vicinity. 

Things to see and do


Getting around in Cape Sata

The easiest way around Cape Sata is on foot, since the major sights and attractions are within walking distance from each other.

Getting to Cape Sata

Nearest airport:

The nearest and most convenient airport is Kagoshima Airport. 

  • by car: approximately 3 hours


Rental cars:

How long to stay in Cape Sata

We recommend staying here for about half a day.

Hotels in Cape Sata

Flights to Cape Sata

Nearest airport:

The nearest and most convenient airport is Kagoshima airport. 

  • by car: approximately 3 hours

Getting mobile data in Japan

Day trips from Cape Sata

Often called the 'Naples of the Eastern World,' Kagoshima captivates with its picturesque bay, pleasant weather, and active volcano, Sakurajima. Rich in nature, beaches, and hot springs, this must-visit destination ...

Travel time:

Distance, km: 66.95

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Venture to Yakushima Island and experience some of the most exquisite nature Japan has to offer. The Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine, said to have inspired the film Princess Mononoke, boasts ancient ...

Travel time:

Distance, km: 69.29

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