Discover Goto Islands

Explore the captivating Goto Islands, an archipelago consisting of five larger islands and several smaller ones. Rich in history, these islands are home to ancient Christian churches that are open to visitors today. Base yourself on Fukue Island and take a ferry tour to the smaller islands, enjoying the pristine nature and charming fishing villages as you go. This off-the-beaten-path destination offers a unique blend of history and scenic beauty for travelers seeking a memorable experience.

Things to see and do

Tours and Activities


Getting around in the Goto Islands

The easiest way to get around in the Goto Islands is by car, even though many of the major sights and attractions are accessible by the many ferries in the area. 
If you decide to rent a car, it is best to rent a car ahead from Nagasaki and board a car ferry. You can use our car rental widget in the FAQ menu below. 

Getting to the Goto Islands

Ferry services:




Nearest airport:

The nearest and most convenient airport is Fukue Airport. 



Car Rentals: 

How long to stay on the Goto Islands

We recommend staying on the Goto Islands between one and two days.

Hotels on the Goto Islands

Flights to the Goto Islands

The nearest and most convenient airport is Fukue Airport.

Seasonal information


The swimming season on mainland Japan is usually between July and August. 


The hiking season in this area typically runs from Spring until Autumn.

Getting mobile data in Japan

Day trips from Goto Islands