Discover The Nagasaki Prefecture

Nagasaki Prefecture's rich history as a trading port with the West is evident in its European architecture and cultural influences. Wander through the historic capital, delving into the atomic bomb's aftermath at the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum and Peace Park. Venture to the tropical islands like Gunkanjima, also known as Battleship Island, with its abandoned coal-mining facilities. Be sure to explore the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region, showcasing the resilience of Christianity during Japan's period of isolation.

Getting around in Nagasaki prefecture

Valid rail and bus passes:
Nagasaki prefecture has a multitude of railway and bus passes that make it easier to get around.
Check out our listings below for passes that are valid within Nagasaki prefecture.


Car rentals:

Airports in Nagasaki prefecture

The nearest and most convenient airport in the prefecture is Nagasaki Airport. 

Getting mobile data in Japan