Discover Okuizumo

A hiker's dream, Okuizumo features three accessible mountains - Mount Sentsū, Hiba, and Azuma - perfect for exploring the great outdoors. Climbing Mount Hiba leads to the Hiroshima Kenminnomori Ski Area, while venturing north will bring you to the awe-inspiring Oni no Shitaburui Gorge. With its stunning landscapes and variety of trails, Okuizumo offers a memorable experience for hikers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Things to see and do


Getting around in Okuizumo

The easiest way to get around in Okuizumo is by car, since many of the major sights and attractions are not accessible by public transportation. 
If you decide to rent a car, it is advised to do so from one of the bigger cities in the vicinity. You can check-out our listings for car rentals nearby, in the FAQ menu below. 

Getting to Okuizumo

Rental Cars:

How long to stay in Okuizumo

We recommend staying here for about one day. 

Hotels in Okuizumo

Flights to Okuizumo

Getting mobile data in Japan

Day trips from Okuizumo

Matsue, known as "the water city" due to its location, is an idyllic and picturesque area where nature meets shrines and temples. Visit the renowned Adachi Museum of Art, home ...

Travel time:

Distance, km: 33.38

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Experience the perfect blend of history and nature in Izumo, a captivating destination in Japan. Don't miss the ancient temples like Honden, and drive up to Cape Hino for some ...

Travel time:

Distance, km: 39.31

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Mount Daisen, a majestic volcanic mountain, boasts an array of hiking opportunities and breathtaking views. Explore the area's alluring temples and museums, or embark on a horseback riding adventure through ...

Travel time:

Distance, km: 52.50

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