Shodoshima Island, nestled within Japan's Inland Sea, is known for its unique natural features, such as Angel Road and Kankakei Gorge. As the first place in Japan to cultivate olives, the island's Greek Windmill pays homage to its olive-producing heritage.
The easiest way to get around in Shodoshima Island is by car, since many of the major sights and attractions are not accessible by public transportation.
If you decide to rent a car, it is advised to do so from one of the bigger cities on the mainland and hop on a car ferry from there. You can check-out our listings for car rentals nearby, in the FAQ menu below.
We recommend staying here between one and two days.
We recommend the following options for staying connected in Japan:
Awaji Island, renowned for its traditional puppet theater, offers a unique cultural experience for visitors. The breathtaking Akashi-Kaikyō Bridge connects Awaji to Kobe and showcases stunning views of the surrounding ...
Travel time:
Distance, km: 64.93
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