Discover The Oita Prefecture

Oita Prefecture captivates visitors with its Kumano Reliefs of Kunizaki, gourmet food, and iconic hot springs in Beppu. Explore the picturesque Yabakei Gorge, featuring stunning rock formations and seasonal foliage. Visit the Kunisaki Peninsula, known for its unique Buddhist culture and ancient stone carvings. Marvel at the Usa Shrine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and partake in traditional Oita festivities like the Hita Gion Festival. Indulge in Oita's delicious culinary offerings, including fresh seafood and succulent Bungo beef.

Getting around in Oita prefecture

Valid rail and bus passes:
Oita prefecture has a multitude of railway and bus passes that make it easier to get around.
Check out our listings below for passes that are valid within Oita prefecture.


Rental cars:

Airports in Oita prefecture

The nearest and most convenient airport in the prefecture is Oita Airport. 

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